Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Significant Problem

We humans have survived our own history,
And that was an incredible feat,
Considering the wars, and planet abuse,
We continuously seem to repeat.

We’ve been around for thousands of years,
Through plagues and ills of all kinds,
Now there’s a pill for unimaginable ills,
For our bodies and our minds.

We’ve even outlived countless animals,
In fact we’ve wiped them out.
For there’s no creature as important as us,
Aren’t we what life is about?

But a significant problem has surfaced,
For every man and woman alive.
If we don’t stop destroying our planet,
Not even humans will survive.

- Annabel Sheila

1 comment:

Chika Onyenezi said...

good poem, well carved like a smooth wood. more grease to your elbow.