Friday, January 30, 2009

A Cashless Society

A Cashless Society

We live in a cashless society,
Quite a while it’s been around,
Sooner or later it had to give,
And the axe has finally come down.

There are very few among us,
Not living beyond our means,
Our burden of debt is breaking our backs,
Destroying our hopes and dreams.

We can’t afford to save a cent,
Our credit card debt is obscene,
We can’t see beyond our next paycheck,
Our economy’s the worst it’s been.

Debit card, credit card, don’t pay now,
No interest for a year.
But jobs disappear without warning,
Then we live with stress and fear.

Our leaders will gladly lend a hand,
To the corporate giants in need,
But you and I will have to pay,
For years of corporate greed.

How in the world did this happen?
When did things get so bad?
Maybe a cashless society’s not,
The best idea we’ve had.

- Annabel Sheila

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