Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wait Time At Hospitals

I simply don't understand how a young woman with a broken foot can be left sitting in the waiting room of a hospital for 16 hours before being seen by a doctor, or having an x-ray. She sat in a wheelchair with her foot elevated the best she could, in terrible pain, without so much as a "can we get you something" from the nurses at the emergency reception area who knew why she was there and I'm pretty sure realized just by observing - her foot was broken. Before going to emergency she called the tele-care nurse to verify that she should indeed proceed to the hospital. The nurse advised her from her symptoms that she should get to the hospital and have the foot x-rayed; she told the young woman she would call the emergency department and give them a heads-up she would be coming in. A lot of good that did!!! For anyone who cares to listen to me, if you should fall, cut yourself badly, or whatever......CALL an ambulance! It's the only way, from my observation, to get emergency treatment at the hospital! The young woman's foot was indeed broken in several places and had to be cast for six weeks. It is simply not acceptable to have to wait 16 hours to see a doctor at emergency! Our politicians promised us shorter wait times, and we trusted them! I'm just guessing....but maybe the shorter wait times were for politicians and their families!

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